Recoil separators for radiative capture using radioactive ion beams

Radiative capture reactions involving the fusion of hydrogen or helium are ubiquitous in the stellar history of the universe, and are some of the most important reactions in the processes that govern nucleosynthesis and energy generation in both static and explosive scenarios. However, radiative capture reactions pose some of the most difficult experimental challenges due to extremely small cross sections.
With the advent of recoil separators and techniques in inverse kinematics, it is now possible to measure radiative capture reactions on very short-lived radioactive nuclei, and in the presence of high experimental backgrounds. In this paper we review the experimental needs for making measurements of astrophysical importance on radiative capture reactions. We also review some of the important historical advances in the field of recoil separators as well as describe current techniques and performance milestones, including descriptions of some of the separators most recently working at radioactive ion beam facilities, such as DRAGON at TRIUMF and the DRS at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility.We will also summarize some of the scientific highlight measurements at the RIB facilities.
197Au at the End of the Dragon

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The DRAGON Facility at TRIUMF-ISAC: Development

The proposed DRAGON (Detector of Recoils And Gammas Of Nuclear reactions) facility at TRIUMF is uniquely designed to perform important nuclear astrophysics experiments with radioactive nuclear beams and the goal is to be operational when the new ISAC accelerated radioactive beams facility is operational in 2000. The projects required to meet this goal include the following:
a. Projects related to the development and commissioning of the facility, which are not covered by the TRIUMF infrastructure;
b. Projects related to developing and finalizing the concepts for the Phase II of the DRAGON facility, the Gamma Array;
c. Projects related to some specific experiments planned for the DRAGON.
A secondary goal is to develop a team of scientists dedicated to this new facility and knowledgeable of its operational idiosyncrasies.
This grant will fund the continuing work of the recoil group in commissioning the DRAGON and in the development of the required detectors, electronics, targets and beams.