DRAGON summer research report: charge state distributions after radiative capture

DRAGON Measurements of the charge-state distribution (CSD) of a 1.068 MeV/u C beam in He, and of the 6+:5+ charge-state population ratio in the recoils of the 12C(α,γ)16O reaction are reported. A computer simulation was developped to model the CSD of both beam and recoil par- ticles in inverse kinematics experiments. The code was used to model this reaction, and the results are compared to data from DRAGON and from ERNA. The simulation was in good agreement with the DRAGON data and with recoil data from ERNA. The results suggest that, for this fu- sion reaction on the Jπ=4+ resonance at Ebeam = 1.064 MeV/u, the recoil ions contain only the nucleons and not the electrons of the target He atom.