The DRAGON Facility at TRIUMF-ISAC Status and Plans

The primary purpose of the DRAGON (Detector of Recoils And Gammas Of Nuclear reactions) facility is to measure the astrophysical S-factor or resonance strengths in radiative proton and alpha capture reactions. These reactions will be studied using inverse kinematics with gaseous targets of hydrogen or helium, and heavy ions with center of mass energies from 0.15 to 1 MeV/u. Since the facility is located at TRIUMF-ISAC, these heavy ions will consist primarily (but not exclusively) of short-lived radioactive species and the reactions are of interest to the increasing our understanding of the process of explosive nucleosynthesis in nova, supernova, and x- ray bursts. Funding for the DRAGON Facility was received April 1998 and the present plans are to initiate commissioning in the summer of 2000. The purpose of this report is to give the TRIUMF Experimental Evaluation Committee a report on the status of the building program, and the plans for the experimental program.